Friday, 30 October 2009

I've been following tutorials and posts about IMGUI (Immediate Mode GUI) systems, and have been adding a simple GUI to Day Of Destruction!

IMGUI Links:

This is so I can hopefully add in control-configuration within the game itself...

Here's a screenshot of the test GUI I have whipped up using IMGUI techniques

Here is an on-line video of the GUI in action (including hot-items as flashing blue)

Till next time :)

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Well, I have managed to improve the joystick handling when playing the game so now it should be playable (ignoring difficulty issues) by using a joystick or game-pad.

Even an analog joystick should work nicely (touch wood), as it should allow the cross-hairs to move at pretty much any speed up to the maximum speed :)

Instead of relying on SDL joystick events, I am now checking the joystick axii in the render routine like so:

Function  GetJoyAxisValue(Const AJoystick        : PSDL_Joystick;
                          Const AAxis,AThreshold : Integer) : Single;
    Result := SDL_JoystickGetAxis(AJoystick,AAxis);
    If Result < AThreshold Then
        Result := 0
        Result := Result / 32768;
        If FHasJoystick Then
            FCrossHairs.x := FCrossHairs.x + cMoveSpeed * GetJoyAxisValue(TGame(FOwner).JoyStick,cJoyAxis_X,cThreshold) * ATimeSlice;
            FCrossHairs.y := FCrossHairs.y - cMoveSpeed * GetJoyAxisValue(TGame(FOwner).JoyStick,cJoyAxis_Y,cThreshold) * ATimeSlice;
Get it here while it's still hot ;-)


Monday, 19 October 2009

I have uploaded a new version of Day Of Destruction!

I have reconfigured the control inputs via ini file stuff, and have updated the documentation help file (now is a pdf file).

Most actions in the game can be controlled via multiple input types (keyboard, joystick, mouse - configurable via the ini file)  Grin

You can now control the complete game (except for exiting) via joystick or mouse only Smiley

You can now use the joystick/mouse to add credits, start a game, play the game, and enter high scores!

The joystick movement might need some work still though - I might need to change to using a thread to poll SDL joystick movement Wink

Enjoy, and feedback would be most welcome Smiley


Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Hi all,
   I have now managed to create my own packfile format (with zlib compression).  I have stored all my fonts, textures, sounds, and music in it with easy access (via TMemoryStreams) from my program!

This has two bonuses:

  1. All resource files are in one neat package.
  2. As it is my own format, it protects (to a reasonable degree) the music files I have been allowed to use in my game (thanks Imphenzia! []).

There is a new version of the game for download (around 4.7 MB).  This version includes a .rtf (rich text format) file with instructions (and feature todo list), and background music...yeah! :)

Please DO try it out and let me know what you think!

ANY feedback is welcome so I can improve on the game :)

NOTE: If I ever manage to add password protection to my packfile reader/writer classes, then I will release the source code so other people can use it :)

Email: paulfnicholls AT gmail DOT com


Friday, 9 October 2009

WooHoo!! I have gotten permission to use two .OGG music files from the site below for free (as long as I keep my game free):

So now my game uses SDL_Mixer to do the sounds, AND it now has the two .OGG tracks as background music...pretty sweet I think, in my opinion :)

Hopefully I will have a new download for you all very soon to show off the background music!

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

I have uploaded a new version of the game which uses an ini file so you can say if you want it fullscreen or not...

Just use 1 = fullscreen, 0 = window...
Well, another day, another update LOL

One thing I am really pleased about is the fact that I now have an ONLINE high-score table working!!!

As well as keeping a local high-score table in the same folder as the game, it attempts to access the online version and update and/or read that too.

If it can update or read the online version, that will overwrite the local one and you can see what scores anyone else has gotten...yay!

The new version has been uploaded to here:

Day Of Destruction! download.

You can go here to check the best top-10 high scores!

online high-score table

Hopefully I will finish a read me file with all instructions :)