Friday, 27 November 2009

Hi all, well for better (or for worse), I have uploaded my entry to the competition page as I am not sure if I will get time to work on it more before the due date (29-November)...

I have also updated this version (in .7z format) to my website:

I have updated the .pdf instructions file so it has all the new and changed features in it (satellites, game continues, etc).

I am fairly happy with the results - I managed to squeeze in all the competition required features:

Your game should use one of the two control methodologies specified below:-

   1. The player will use the mouse and only the left and right mouse buttons, no other controls allowed
   2. The player will use no more than 10 button style inputs (e.g. Up, Down, Left, Right, Fire, Punch, Kick, Duck) for normal controls.

You can play the complete game (short of quitting) using only the mouse if you wish Smiley

Joystick is also supported, but the judges will be looking for complying with (1), so I should be safe there  Laugh

TA - Rules applying to (a) A computer game

   1. Your game should be organised into levels.
   2. Your game should get progressively more difficult as the game progresses.
   3. Your game should provide the player with a limited number of 'continues'.
   4. Every new game should start in the same place and the overall flow of the game should follow the same path for each successive game.

I have done all of the above Smiley

BP - Bonus Points (each one is worth 10pts. NOTE:- These are OPTIONAL elements only and the scoring may be subject to change depending on the number of judges)

   1. Make you game multiplayer (e.g. allow multiple players on muliple PC's, or multiple players on a single PC by way of a splitscreen mechanism - Note:- These are just two examples of multiplayer mechanisms)
   2. Make your game arcade cabinet ready (i.e. Provide full configuration options such that it could be loaded on a PC in an arcade cabinet and then be stuffed with quarters).
   3. Provide an on-line high score table for your game.

I have even managed to get (3) working, and theoretically, even (2) - not tested though Wink

The game could have more features and more variety, but for the first time, I have "completed" a game, and a competition!! Woo! Hoo! So I am very pleased with myself Smiley

Thursday, 12 November 2009

I'm getting closer to finishing my entry now (I know, I know...only 17 days left) Smiley

I have changed the game-play a bit - now you start with six (6) defence satellites each level orbiting the Earth, and when you fire at an asteroid the nearest satellite to the target point is the one that fires.

Each satellite gives you 1/6 of your total maximum firing energy allowance.

NOTE you cannot fire through the Earth (need line-of-sight) so if you have missing satellites, and your target is on the other side of the planet, near gaps in the satellite 'grid', then you can't fire if you would hit the planet...

The closest satellite to the current cross-hairs position has a green circle around it, unless you have no line-of-sight, in which case there would be no green circle around any satellite, and you can't fire at the current target location.

If asteroids hit a satellite, then the satellite is destroyed, and the asteroid splits or is destroyed.

Each time a satellite is destroyed, your maximum available energy is reduced by 1/6, down to 0 energy (or no shots allowed any more).

The game is much easier IMHO now too.

I have uploaded the latest version (6MB) which includes the new game-play (satellite defence grid), and now nicer asteroid png explosions!

I also fixed a joystick issue where it wasn't working for me at home...

I haven't updated the .pdf that comes with the game yet to reference the new satellite stuff, but just read the instructions above...

Any feed back would be great!!
